On this momentous occasion that is my first post I sat and wondered what is this big hype of being a 'blogger' and I came up with two somewhat suitable reasons:
1. Everyone is connected to some sort of media interface be it Facebook or Instagram , point being throughout the years it's always been about who has the most friends or the most followers, but in retrospect it's pretty irrelevant. But it's all about getting the upper hand whether it be with friends or with enemies, it's about being better which personally makes no sense.
2. The second reason is pretty basic it boils down to the fact that we want to be loved, the more followers we have in some twisted psychology links back to us being loved. Modern day society has this crazy notion that we need other peoples approval or love (even if they are 50 year old men that are only following you to see pictures of your boobs) which is pretty ridiculous.
Then the thought of why is she writing a blog? Is she trying to prove that she is better then someone? Is she looking to be loved? The uncomplicated answer to this is because I'm simply bored with the same old commercial bullshit, everyone has conformed to what society sees as acceptable. We have a society filled with Tumblr girls and boys because apparently that what everyone wants..Uh NO! We want different, something extraordinary, something that takes our breath away or makes us question everything we have ever known that's what we want. We want different.
So I guess that's what I'm trying to do, be different. So here goes...